“Saving women’s lives through early breast cancer detection”
Handel Reynolds, a breast radiologist at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, is the author of a soon-to-be-published book, The Big Squeeze: A Social and Political History of the Controversial Mammogram. Bloomberg.com has just published three excerpts:
- In Mammogram Debate, Politics Trounces Science
- When a Mammogram Is Riskier Than Cancer
- Shaky Foundations for the New Mammogram Economy
The book to be published Aug. 7 by Cornell University Press, promises to be good reading. If you’ve talked to me and asked, “Why don’t we know about thermography? Why doesn’t my doctor know about it?” you’ve probably heard my answer, “Follow the money.” Not to say that your doctor doesn’t mean well, or that the mammography industry didn’t develop out of the best of intentions. But concerns are being published in mainstream media that mammograms don’t do all they should, and in fact, contribute more to the huge, money-making industry of screening for, diagnosing, and treating breast cancer than to catching it – early or otherwise.
Read these articles, and then consider the benefits thermography provides: by showing breast cancer’s earliest signs, you can take preventive action without disturbing abnormal cells that may not develop into cancer if left alone, and you can avoid the negative consequences of overdiagnosis – messing with something that is best left untouched for the time being.
You should also read Dr. Mercola’s article discussing Handel Reynold’s book in more depth: In Mammogram Debate, Politics Trounces Science